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October/November 2023

It’s officially Autumn! I love October and November. The months where the leaves are changing, and we are surrounded by colour and beauty. The mornings and evenings are crisp but we still have warm days. It is the perfect time for family walks in Assiniboine Forest, day tips to the Whiteshell, Gimli or the beaches around Grand and Victoria. Traditions of Thanksgiving and Remembrance day are a big part of these months too.

We as a family have a special, and maybe unusual, tradition this month. My family loves Halloween. I must admit I wasn’t sold on it until having children, but now I’m all in too! Each Halloween I host a Halloween Howl lunch for my daughter and a friend. The dining table and room are decorated with spooky and ghoulish things complete with a Spooktacular menu. The lunch table is full of things like ‘Dracula’s eyeballs’, ‘poisonous spiders’ and ‘witches brew’ in skeleton cups. I’m sure you get the idea. It’s a fun day we all look forward to.

This issue Winnipeg Parent gives lots of Halloween and Fall fun ideas, reminding us to give thanks for family and friends, snack tips for those family Fall hikes, ideas for taking time for you, and so much more! Whatever your traditions may be these upcoming months, I say embrace the Spook-tacular!

Happy Fall!