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Quick Cleaning Tasks: Summertime Wins!

A spray cleaning bottle being sprayed on a countertop with a microfibre cloth close behind

Who is interested in spending their summer days indoors and cleaning when our summer is so short?  Not me!  I would much rather be spending my time with my family, doing ‘fun’ things. Christina Giaquinto, Professional Organizer is here to help you spend less time worrying about keeping your home clean and more time with family and friends creating special memories these summer months!

In my experience as the Professional Organizer and Brand Ambassador of Modular Closets, if you do little cleaning tasks every day, they will make a huge impact on your home.  Take advantage of just a few minutes here and there to work on some quick cleaning tasks

5-Minute Cleaning Tasks

  1. Clean your kitchen countertops. This will make them shine and remove any crumbs that may cause foul aromas.
  2. Put away all the shoes scattered around your home. This will tidy up your home and prevent accidents.
  3. Fix all the pillows and blankets on your living room couch to make it look neat! This is something I try to do every day.
  4. Empty your kitchen and bathroom garbage. This will prevent bad smells and make your home more comfortable.
  5. Dust all the surfaces in one room quickly. Dust will make your home look unkempt, and breathing clean air is vital for your health and well-being.

10-Minute Cleaning Tasks

  1. Sweep, vacuum, and mop the high-traffic areas of your home. This includes the entryway, kitchen, living room, and hallways between the bedrooms. This will keep dirt from accumulating in your home and give your home a clean look.
  2. Your bathroom sink may get dirty with toothpaste blobs, fingerprints, splashed water droplets, and soap residue. Wipe down your sink and mirror using a damp cloth, a bathroom cleaner, or a gentle scrubbing.
  3. Quickly put away toys, dirty socks and your other belongings scattered along the floors.
  4. Go through your mail and recycle any junk.
  5. Keeping your home office desk clear is a constant challenge. Clean up your desk and put everything in its place. This will reduce your stress and increase your daily productivity.

To Wrap It All Up

Cleaning and organizing your home doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By managing small cleaning jobs regularly, you can make a big difference in your home.  Whether it’s spending just five minutes emptying the trash cans or half an hour deep cleaning your kitchen appliances, every little effort helps. Take advantage of your time and pave the way to a cleaner, comfier, and more organized living space.

Christina Giaquinto is the Professional Organizer and Brand Ambassador of Modular Closets (DIY customizable closet units that organize any space in your home). Christina focuses on giving her clients the tools, methods, and techniques to transform their lives and homes through decluttering and organizing. She combines spiritual coaching and organizing to help her clients let go of things that do not spark joy and happiness. Her work has been featured on sites like Popsugar, Women’s Health, Reader’s Digest, Realtor, The Spruce and Yahoo.

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