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July 2024

July 31, 2024

July 2024

And just like that, here we are at the last day in July!

Don’t worry though! There is still a lot of summer left.

This issue of THE SCOOP helps you navigate making the most out of the last month of summer. Thinking of taking your kids on a road trip in August? Heading to the cabin, out of the city or province? We have great tips to make the trip fun so that you don’t have to hear “are we there yet” as you pull out of the driveway.

Now, I don’t know about you, but the middle of summer always makes my house feel slightly dirtier than usual. With windows always open and kids running in and out, my house is ‘very lived in’! But, who wants to spend a full day indoors cleaning? Not me! This issue of THE SCOOP gives you quick 5 and 10 minute tips to refresh your home inside so you can get back outside to enjoy the sunshine.

And one final note before I leave you to the month of August. If you are enjoying THE SCOOP and know someone else who would, we love to hear from them! They can subscribe for free by clicking here:

With that, enjoy the month, enjoy spending time with your family and friends and enjoy rest of our beautiful Manitoba summer!

Dana Todd


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Keep the Kids Busy on Your Road Trip This Summer

When it’s time to hit the road for family vacations, the idea of spending endless hours in the car can feel intimidating. Don’t get discouraged. There are things that you can do to get kids to burn off some extra energy on road trips. One year, I spent the entire summer on the road with my three kids (six, eight, and 10) and we drove 14,000 km across Canada. Many times, I’ve been asked how I did it. Here are some of my tips and tricks: (Read more)

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5 Great Ways to Unplug and Get Your Kids Outdoors

Family life can be hectic. After a busy day of preparing meals, snacks and overseeing homework projects, breaking up squabbles and keeping up with dishes and laundry, parents are often more than happy to “pop in a video” as they say, and watch their brood settle into wide eyed, quiet little people.

There’s a growing movement among parents and community leaders to organize and encourage quality outdoor experiences for today’s children. Virtually no one doubts the advantages of time outdoors for our kids, but bad habits are hard to break. Here are five tips for fun and interesting ways to get the whole family out of doors to experience the beauty and enjoyment of nature. (Read more)

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of Winnipeg Parent Newsmagazine! Available at

locations around Winnipeg.

Thinking About Vision for the Summer

With summer activities gearing up, we thought you might like some information to share with your friends and family about how vision problems can impact summer activities. Here are ideas on different signs to let you know if a child may have an eye coordination or eye movement problem that could be impacting sports and/or academic performance.

As your children have been busy enjoying summer activities, have you noticed that they have trouble doing different things? For example, problems catching or hitting balls, difficulty shooting baskets, clumsiness with physical activities, avoiding reading, or having trouble seeing 3D movies? These are all clues that your child may have a vision problem. (Read more)